914 Books

in approximate publication order


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Every book and manual on this list has good information and unique viewpoints, their importance depends on your interests and needs.  If you have a later model 914, be sure that the service manual book edition you get includes the model year of your car, not every manual includes every model year.





Title, Author, Publisher, Date





Driving in Competition

back cover

Alan Johnson, 1971


144 pages





Porsche 914/4 914/6 Handbook

Lash International, early 1970s?


Identical to Clymer.  Lash first published the book and then was bought by Clymer who then republished the same material under their own name.  Early cars only.





Volkswagen Fuel Injection Technical Manual

Henry Elfrink, 1972


88 pages


Mostly applicable to early cars





VW-PORSCHE 914, 914/6

Drake Inc., 1972


InterEurope Workshop Manual 188, 115 pages





Shop Manual Tune-up and Maintenance Guide Porsche 914/4 1970-72

Carbooks, Inc., 1972


Two Volumes, the Supplement volume covers the 914/6





Porsche 914/4, Range 1970-72, Workshop Maintenance and Repair Manual

Drake Publishers, Inc., 1972?


Probably early cars only






Porsche 914S, Owners Workshop Manual, 1969-72


Alternate cover


Kenneth Ball - Autobook 713

Autobooks, 1972?


Probably early cars only





ON PORSCHE 1968-71

Road & Track, mid 1970’s?


Reprinted magazine articles?





ON PORSCHE 1972-75

Road & Track, mid 1980’s?


Reprinted magazine articles?





Porsche Sport 72

Joe Rusz, 1972


104 pages


Ad for Porsche Sport 72





Porsche Sport 73

Joe Rusz, 1973


104 pages








Chiltons Porsche 1969-73 Repair and Tune-up Guide


Porsche 2, alternate cover


Porsche 2, yet another cover


Porsche 3, and another cover!


Chilton Book Co., 1973


First Edition, 171 pages


Includes the 914/6 and 914/4

through 1973, as well as the 911 and 912.  A good quality manual.  Early cars only.





Porsche Service Repair Handbook, 914 Series 1970-1973

Eric Jorgensen

Clymer Publications, 1973


First Edition, 264 pages


This book includes things that Haynes and the Factory Manuals do not.





Porsche Service Repair Handbook, 914 Series 1970-1975

Eric Jorgensen

Clymer Publications, 1973, 1975


Second Edition, 275 pages


Revised to include 1974-1975 models.  This book includes things that Haynes and the Factory Manuals do not.





Clymer Porsche 914 1970-76 Shop Manual

Eric Jorgensen

Clymer Publications, 1973, 1975 1977


Third Edition, 262 pages


Revised to include 1976 models.  This book includes things that Haynes and the Factory Manuals do not.






Porsche 914 1969-75


Same book, alternate cover


R.M. Clarke

Brooklands Books


100 pages





Porsche Sport 1974/75

Joe Rusz, 1975


105 pages





Basic CB Radio Guide

American Publishing Corp., 1976


914 content:  Cover photo only as far as I know.





Porsche Sport 1976/77

Joe Rusz, 1977


104 pages













Excellence Was Expected

Karl Ludvigsen

Princeton Publishing, 1977


First Edition, 851 pages


The quintessential Porsche history, in a single volume.





Porsche 914 Ultimate Portfolio

Compiled by R. M. Clarke, early 1980’s?


Reprinted magazine articles.





ON PORSCHE 1979-82

Road & Track, mid 1980’s?


Reprinted magazine articles?





Porsche 914 Gold Portfolio

Compiled by R. M. Clarke

Brooklands Books, 180 Pages


Reprinted magazine articles.





Porsche 914 Collection No. 1 1969-1983

Brooklands Books





Up Fixin der Porsche

Porsche Club of America Porsche Panorama





Porsche Plakate Posters Affiches

Jurgen Lewandowski

Verlag Stadler, 1984


160 pages


The quintessential book about vintage Porsche posters.





How To Rebuild Your Volkswagen Air-Cooled Engine

Tom Wilson

HP Books, 1987


176 pages


The authoritative must-have if you are rebuilding your 914 engine.





Porsche 914 4 Cylinder 1969-1976 Automotive Repair Manual

J.H. Haynes

Haynes Publications, Inc., 1989


214 pages






Porsche 914 4 Cylinder 1969-1976 Owners Workshop Manual

J.H. Haynes

Haynes Publications, Inc.


An invaluable reference.  If you do your own wrenching and can afford no other 914 workshop manual, get this one.  This book covers things that Clymers and the factory manuals do not.





How to Buy a 914

George A. Hussey IV

Automobile Atlanta





914/4 and 914/6 A Restorers Guide to Authenticity

Dr. B. Johnson

Beeman-Jorgensen Inc., 1989, 1999


New Revised Edition (Third?), 94 pages


A good restoration-oriented book describing most year-to-year changes and options.





Das Grosse VW-Porsche Buch


1989 edition, Orange cover, ISBN 3-89365-137-3

1991 edition, White cover ISBN 3-89365-270-1


Michael von Klodt

Heel-Verlag GmbH, 1989, 1991


200 pages


The definitive book on everything 914.  German text.  Large format and exhaustive, but there are a few errors.  The two editions are identical.





914/4 and 914/6 A Restorers Guide to Authenticity

Dr. B. Johnson

Beeman-Jorgensen Inc., 1991


Second Edition


A comprehensive restoration-specific book describing year-to-year changes and options.  Nearly identical to the 1989 edition, and superseded by the 1999 edition.





The Porsche Book A Definitive Illustrated History

Lothar Boschen, Jurgen Barth


TOC 1   TOC2





Caught by Camera - Porsche 914

Dick Reef / Ernst-Jan Mastenbroek

Euroboek, 1991


76 pages


Text in Dutch and English.  Superb photos and presentation of 914s from a European perspective.





Classic Catalog



200+ pages


German, English, and French text.





914 Tech Tips 700

George A. Hussey IV

Automobile Atlanta, 1995


125 pages


Lots of great information about parts interchangeability, maintenance and restoring the 914.






Porsche 914 914/6


Third Edition


Brian Long

Veloce Publishing Plc., 1997


160 pages


An excellent resource on the development and history of the 914.





VW-Porsche 914 & 914/6

Brian Long



German text, otherwise the same book as the English text versions.





How to Restore and Modify your Porsche 914/4 & 914/6

New cover graphic

Patrick C. Paternie

MBI Publishing, 1999


176 pages


Good general information for a first time 914 buyer.





How To Convert A 914/4 To A 914/6

George A. Hussey IV

Automobile Atlanta





VW Porsche 914, 4 und 6 Zyl., Reparaturhilfe fur fahrer und Werkstatt  

Peter R.D. Russek


German text





VW/Porsche 914/4, 1.7 and 2.0 Litre, Repair Guide, Glovebox Series

Peter R.D. Russek






126 pages


German text





Car & Driver


Car & Driver




Porsche Polizei

Albert Lo MD, late 1990s?


Porsche police and rescue vehicles, including a few pages on 914 vehicles.





Excellence Was Expected

Karl Ludvigsen



Three volumes


The quintessential Porsche history, new and improved.





Porsche 914 & 914/6

Brian Long, 200+ pages

Veloce Publishing, May 2006


"The Definitive History of the Road & Competition Cars"


Not reviewed, but I am told there are lots of new color photos than the earlier editions.







Table of Contents

Shotaro Kobayashi

128 pages



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